Sunday, May 9, 2010

Isley Eletise Moemai

Ok hoping this works, we can't get the internet to work so I'm trying to do this from my phone.

On Wed May 4 I had a doc appointment... So I went... Measuring 1 week behind and 2-3 cm dilated 50% effaced..Doc said she would see me in two weeks.... But didn't think I would make it that long... So I went home having contractions all day ( nothing new, I had been having contractions for the last 2 weeks) I went to bed late that night...had a midnight snack (thank goodness!) Woke up around 2:30 to use the restroom.. And then went back to bed.. Woke up around 3 with a few "gushes" thought I peed myself (not too uncommon lol) so I was back and forth from the bathroom not quite knowing what was going on there was no leaking in between so... I was really confused... Finally I decided to wake up Mulek and head to the hospital to get checked.... We get there they hook me up and sporadic contractions so we waited for a few test to be done to find out if my water really did break.. All the tests came back positive so we got to stay... We tried walking the halls the birthing ball and NO contractions... So I finally agreed to get the pitocin and from that point on my birth plan was out the window..kinda bummed...oh well... After I found out I was going to have to get the pit I contemplated an epideral and after a few tears I decided I would do it.. I started pit at 9:30 and got a few hard contractions before my epideral at 10... Awwww...feeling the numbness run from my butt to my leg.. Thought oh man this is goona be ok... Until ii realized it was only one butt cheek and one leg...then a contraction came and I felt it on one side... Oh MAN!! They tried to fix it but it didn't work... So...I just kept telling Mulek it didn't work... Soon I was 5 centimeters ... A few contractions later I was 7 then about 3 contractions after that I had to push!! She was out within 10 to 15 min... Covered in vernix!! She got an apgar of 7 then 9 born at 11:51am on MAY 5, 2010. Weighing my smallest at 5lbs 15oz!! We had a rough few days in the hospital I wanted to go home that night..didn't happen so I was promised at 24 hours we could leave... Well 24 hours came and the ped doc came in to deliver the bad news... She was preemie so the minimum stay is 48 I was a little pissed that I couldn't go home.... Then the vitals came... She was losing weight.. Despite how much she was nursing... She went from 5 15 to 5 8 to 5 4 that was 11% of her body weight... So they wanted me to supplement with formula... Wasn't really liking the idea until they wanted to keep us ANOTHER day!! in tears I begged and pleaded and made a deal... I promised to suplement and take her back the next day...He reluctantly agreed and I got out of there as fast as possible.. I did keep my promise... But you can't force a baby to eat.. She pretty much refused the bottle.. So Doc appointment yesterday went pretty good.. She didn't lose weight she stayed the same so they are happy with that! I have an "over supply" of milk so no more suplementing for us YAY!! She does have a bit of jaundice so we have another appointment for Tues to check weight and jaundice levels... She is a little piggy and we just LOVE her to death!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was fun to read all the details since one- I couldnt be there myself and two- your updates were lacking in the area of detailedness. Haha. Jk, I know how busy you were. Can't wait to meet my beautiful new neice this weekend!