Saturday, November 14, 2009

Say what?

As many of you know, Aniya goes to preschool this year.. well she came home one day telling me what happened at the end of the day... (At the end of the they have lunch then all sit on the floor with a book until the parents sign them out, oh there are 2 bean bags and the rest is a carpet that they have to sit on)  She said she was done and got called first to get a book so she got to sit on the bean bag, but she forgot to push her chair in so she had to get up to puch it in and while she was doing that another child got on the bean bag.. so she had to sit on the carpet... then she started saying "so and so is a little "midget"  and I was like HUH? First of all thats not very nice, second of all does she know what a midget is? So, I asked her if she knows what that means and she says... " Yeah, you know those little white worms, that go in the trash."  Then I was confused for a second..... Oh ... She meant  MAGGOT!! .... OH my gosh!! Thats even worse!.... But it was SO funny.. It cracks me up everytime i think about it...

Ok, I have been a little behind on my blog... I know, I know.... What's new... But I do have really good reasons this time.... Soon after school started I found out I was pregnant... YAY!.... but then a few weeks later I started feeling super sick... I have what they call Hyperemesis Gravaderum (severe nausea and vomitting during pregnancy)... So in two weeks I had lost a fair amount of weight so they put me on some meds to help with the nausea....the  first day it worked great then the next day not so much... I actually had to days with no meds and felt wonderfull.... yeah well those two days came and went... but I finally hit my 12 weeks so by 16 weeks my Midwife says ... I should be fully "better"... Go back to Midwife on monday to see if I gained or lost weight.. if I gained Yay! If I lost... well I may have to go to the hospital for IV's. I have had 2 ultrasounds so far.. and they moved my due date back about a week so May 29 is now the day..(even though I wont make it even close)  I have a little belly ( I think its mostly fat, but it is bigger than before) I do plan on doing belly pic this time... I didnt with any of the other kids and now I am a little bummed.. We get to find out the sex of baby #6 on DEC 22nd.... Mulek is hoping for a girl.... I have a feeling its a girl  and the kids are convinced they are having a sister.... Any guesses???....

Kids have been doing good in school. No major happening with them lately and not too many outings since I have been staying close to the toilet... .....


The Peterson's said...

I feel for you when it comes to the nausea! I have not thrown up yet today and am totally stoked since it will be the first in forever(but I don't want to jinx myself because the night is not over and nights are particularly harder for me) !! Zero Times... even once is better than 8 times a day (which has been happening)! So hang in there! I'm feeling it with you all the way! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you start feeling better, and fast.

That is funny that Aniya is calling her classmates maggots. Haha.

I vote... I know I said girl, but now I'm tipping more towards a boy, dont know why... I'll see how I feel next week. Haha.

Nicole said...

Stacy I told you I have meds (hehe) I will share... 12 weeks is supposed to be the magic # so hopefully soon!!

Brittany, Yeah I couldnt believe her! Boy! Dont jinx us! I wanted a boy but now I am leaning towrds girl.... Chinese calander is in my favor... :)

Anonymous said...

I kind of want you to have a girl because then my new one and your new one will both be girls and so close in age, but then I'm thinking boy because Makai would be stuck in the middle of 3 girls. But he still has his two older brothers too. Chinese calendar says I'm having a girl, and lo and behold I am. So I'm going to guess. . . GIRL!!!

Tracy said...

Sorry you're so sick! Were you like this with your other pregnancies?

I'm DYING LAUGHING at Aniya calling her classmates maggots. That's the funniest thing ever!!!

I vote girl! :)