Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Mommy Sleep Diaries" (or non sleep) Night 1

I have deciede to track my progress with Makai... I am totally at my wits end with this waking up every hour (literally) I mean come on its been A YEAR! So I have gotten alot of advice from alot of people and most of it is either Cry-it-out.. or deal with it... I new Cry-it-out was not for me... so I decieded to deal with it.. then I just wanted it to end... so I tried a version of Cry-it-out... I put him in bed, but I stayed there patting and shh shh shhing and reasurring... but he got so up set with me pushing my hands away when I would try to pat him and just screaming MaMa MaMa... I was done after 20 minutes...(It felt like an hour!)... So I am on my quest again 3 months later to get some quality sleep. I went to the library and got four or five books on sleep... There was one "No Cry Sleep Solution" so I am trying that...

Last Night was night number one..... This is how my night went

7:00 Bath
7:30 Boys bath and girls go to bed
8:00 Boys in bed and time to get Makai to sleep
8-8:30 I nursed him and he fell asleep
Oh maybe I should say last night was his first night in the boys room, no more sleeping with mom and dad!
9:45 he wakes up and I just nurse him back to sleep
11:15 up Patted him rocked him and back to sleep pretty quickly
(really my point is for him to sleep with out being nursed, that is the only way he will fall asleep)
1:20 up patted him , shh shh, and had to eventually take him out to rock him...
3:00 up patted , shh shh shhed, so I lay next to his bed on the floor and keep shhing cause he seems to be falling asleep on his own...
I am thinkin oh my gosh I am gonna get him to sleep, this is so great

3:30 pops up with Mama Mama and refused to lay down... He started screaming so of course I picked him up and took him to my room and nursed him (but didnt let him falls asleep nursing) I "popped" him off and layed him on the floor (yes on the floor) in my room and he put himself to sleep in 30 minutes...
4:15 he wakes up with Mama Mama and i say shh shh and he looks and me and lays down and goes back to sleep WOOOOO HOOOOO (maybe)
6 back up sh sh and back to sleep
7 up shs shh and back to sleep
7:30 up for the day....

This is already improvement on the night before where I nursed him to sleep every hour. I only nursed him 3 times ..... The point of this is to try to get him to learn how to fall asleep on his own.... Why after 5 kids is he the one that I am having problems with?? Hoping to get my sleep back soon.


Anonymous said...

Tell Makai Aunty says he's in trouble! Gee Nicole, I couldn't do it. The boy is over 13 months old, he knows what he's doing AND he's good at it. Lol. I vote cry it out. But you've always known that. But I have to admit Makai is an extreme case, Bostyn never cried for more than an 45 minutes to an hour before going to sleep when I was letting her "cry it out." But I know Makai can hold out a lot longer than that. I wish I was there to give you a break. I really do. While we are there over the 4 day weekend I will gladly take him and let you have a rest. I wont mind getting up with him. You have to do it every night.

Tracy said...

Good luck!! Hopefully everything works out! Another book that came HIGHLY recommended to me by a friend is Becoming Baby Wise. I haven't read it yet, but she used it with both of her boys and swears by it. How much longer are you going to nurse him?

Nicole said...

Brittany- I know I didnt have a problem with the other kids..he is so attached to me (my boob)... but he only nurses at night and he cried while I held him for an hour and a half because I wouldnt give him the boobie..Sigh..Thanks for the offer Brittany but I probably wouldnt be able to sleep knowing you would have to get up 8 times a night.. I would feel guilty! Plus you need your rest (he he he)

Tracy- I will have to look up that book... I love reading! I want to stop nursing now! I think I have had enough

Im wondering if maybe the kid has an ear infection or something... he has been so "off" since we got back from camping... he got a cold while we were there.